
My Canadian Pharmacy offers either prescription or over-the-counter drugs. It is very important to get a prescription from a physician. We will describe the evidence to it below.

Uncontrolled intake of medications can cause damage to the kidneys, heart, nervous system. But the most terrible circumstance, in the medical specialist’ opinion, is the appearance of drug resistance.

Today the most popular antibacterial drugs, antibiotics. But their release should generally be carried out in pharmacies only with a doctor’s prescription. If you take medications without control, including antibacterial drugs, there may result in the damage of kidneys, heart, nervous system. This has already become a global problem.

Already the microorganism has mutated and developed resistance to the most commonly taken drugs. Pharmaceutical companies are constantly working on the invention of new generation drugs. This is due to the fact that patients take these drugs uncontrollably. For example, people take drugs when suffering from the flu. The flu is a viral infection. Antibiotic does not affect the virus, it affects the bacteria. Only a doctor can recognize a viral infection or not. Medical scientists urge everyone: contact your health care provider when you have health problems because only the doctor after the examination can determine the adequacy of drugs’ appointment.



My Canadian Pharmacy is an informative service. All the information should not be used in the purposes to establish a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment plan. Our company is a vendor, not a drug manufacturer. We cooperate with drug manufacturers who distribute their products to us. We have no relation with Icon Bioscience and Verisome. They move to another domain. We bear no responsibility for any damage brought to your health. All the questions related to the drug quality should be addressed to the drug manufacturer directly.